The 5 'Work at Home' Challenges

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 29 December 2011, 01:16 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: As the corporate world offers flexible work choices, many opt to work from home. But it is not that simple as often office and home get messed up. It is so easy to lose the way out of working hours when you are occupied with work at home privileges. Working from home is not just candies and sweets. It demands more multi-tasking talent. You feel burned out if you have kids at home. They will pull your mind back from work. It is an entirely different work area where you don’t have colleagues to work with, and no boss to supervise you. You should train your mind for handling the situation where you may be easily distracted from your work. To tackle the work at home situation, you have to be aware of the obstacles you may meet. Be in safer zone by undertaking these biggest 'work at home' challenges.


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