Texting Makes Adults Behave like Teenagers

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 00:42 IST
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Bangalore: With most people having cell phones, texting has become one of the easiest ways to communicate with one another. Texting is not only popular among teenagers; it makes its presence even among middle aged men and women. In fact, texting is one of the best ways to come over a husband-wife fight experts say.

Even though all age group people have the habit of texting, a recent study conducted by Pew Research showed that around 5 percent of adults send more than two hundred messages per day. Though this sounds very impressive, teens have always led in terms of texting. Percentage of teen’s texting everyday increases up to 15 percent, which is around five times more than adult’s texting.

The middle aged adults have vague way of use texting. In a text conversation between a husband and a wife, the wife sends a blank message to her husband, which means she is expecting him to start a conversation or call her to sort out the issue. Adults tend to discuss more serious issues and sometimes find texting more comfortable in sorting out issues that are related to family and work.

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