Job Trends in Technology See Rapid Growth

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 22:51 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: In the face of the worldwide economic shutdown, most would expect jobs to be scarce. Statistics though show otherwise, with the number of technology jobs rising rapidly. Tech hiring trends are also shifting focus, and are landing veterans who are not super-creative in their fields, in a rut.

The Acquity Group, which specializes in the fields of technology design, strategy planning, and experience design solutions recently released an info-graphic that explains this hiring spree in Silicon Valley. According to the info-graphic, 150,000 jobs were added to the count of tech jobs in the US as of late 2011, and the competitive climate has pushed companies to offer a number of “goodies”, which include stock options, sports outings, access to game rooms, and happy hours too. Internet technology companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are “aggressively” recruiting college students even before they graduate in hopes of landing new employees.

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