5 ways to effectively deal with your boss

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 June 2011, 00:38 IST
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Bangalore: The boss is the one who determines your success/failure as a leader. Effective employees take a lot of time and effort to manage not only their relationships with their subordinates but also with their bosses. Managing the team as a leader is as important as managing the boss. A person at one point or another in his career will report to the manager, the person you fondly or not, call the boss. The relationship that you create and manage, with both your immediate boss, and other company employees, are critical for your work success and career progress. Following are the best possible ways to build up a cordial relationship with your boss. 1.Do work that is accurate, relevant and useful
Doing an accurate task is not an easy job. One has to be completely focused on the job that he/she is entrusted with. Therefore, you should put in all your effort and attention to make it look perfect. Accuracy is the best that talent you can boast of. Managers look for perfectionism in their employees. You should be smart enough to identify the relevance and usefulness of an assignment that you would take up. Be ready to provide accurate and useful information while you have a meeting with your boss.

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