Strange Wedding Rituals across the World

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 21 January 2012, 01:50 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: There is nothing more beautiful than a wedding day. It is after all the couple’s first day as happily married people, surrounded by friends, family, flowers and food.

But the ‘Big day’ is celebrated in many weird and funny ways across the globe from kidnapping the bride to a wedding week full of tears.

Here are some of the strange traditions


China: Weeping Wedding


Most of the people, at least bride, cry at the wedding. But for members of the Tujia people in China, weeping is a part of marriage custom.

Bride starts to cry one month previous to her wedding day. Ten days later, her mother joins the weeping and in the last week before wedding, her friends, aunts, grandmothers will join contributing to the ‘flood’.

The bride weeps in different tones known as “crying marriage song.” The tradition is meant as a celebration of happy times.

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