Steve Jobs' Rebirth on Silver Screen

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 23:55 IST   |    1 Comments
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Steve Jobs' Rebirth on Silver Screen
Bangalore: We won't be really surprised to know that the high-profile producers of "This Is It" with Michael Jackson and "The Social Network" with Mark Zuckerberg are ready to do it again with Apple co-founder Steve Jobs . Sony Pictures Entertainment accomplished to buy film rights to the authorized biography "Steve Jobs" from Walter Isaacson, according to a person who was briefed on the deal. As the studio has not authorized a public statement, the person spoke on the condition of anonymity. The biography penned by Isaacson was likely to be released on 21st November. But the release has been shifted to 24th of this month post the death of iGod. The Former CNN chairman and Times Magazine's managing director has included over 40 interviews of Jobs in the book. The making of the movie is based on the biography. But the main focus is now on who will be playing computer wizard, Jobs. Acclaimed Hollywood actors such as Noah Wyle, Samuel L Jackson, Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio, are a few who moviegoers have listed out. Going by Apple's trademark, "i", "iSteve" and "iJobs" are among the first off titles at anyone's tongue. Apple's most famous punch line "Think Different" launched in 1997 and Apple's "Switch" campaign is also looked for the movie title. Traditionally, movies have been developed slowly and hardly ever tackled current events, as situation, interest and the national mood. But of late, there is a change seen and it took years to get a picture on track. Taking advantage of faster digital production techniques, studios showed a new willingness to keep tempo with the increasing pace of the media world. After Michael Jackson's bereavement, the studio had his concert film, "This Is It" in theaters within months. "The Social Network" which was made despite the fact that the studio did not acquire Zuckerberg's life rights, and was partly based on, Ben Mezrich's "The Accidental Billionaires" was rushed to publication. According to the reports, it said that Sony agrees to pay $1million advance against a total of $53 million for Jobs book. Sony will certainly join its producing partners, the MG/360 team, that pairs with Mark Gordon and Management 360, in putting a movie on screen, although the memory of Jobs and his achievements are still fresh.