Team Anna Splits, Two Core Members Quit Committee

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 00:46 IST   |    11 Comments
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Team Anna Splits, Two Core Members Quit Committee
Bangalore: The inevitable has happened and it's a sad news for the masses who dreamt of a new corrupt-free India. As the historical anti-corruption movement is turning a political turn, two prominent activists P V Rajagopal and 'Waterman' Rajinder Singh quit its core committee on difference of opinions among its members. The outgoing members alleged that the committee is mired in confusion and said the decision to launch an anti-Congress campaign in Hisar was not taken by the core committee. However, Rajagopal said the Team was 'putting pressure' on him not to quit. He said "I dissociate myself from the Team. The Team is turning political. There were statements indicating that, including the ones on Hisar," reports PTI. While Rajagopal wrote a letter on his decision to leave the team, Singh has reportedly said he did not see the need to write any such letter as he had not sought any membership in the first place. Signals of a possible split arose when Anna Hazare indicated that Prashant Bhushan could be dropped from the group for his controversial call for a plebiscite in Kashmir Valley. Rumors have been going around for a while that many other members of the team too are unhappy about the way it's functions. They allege that the real cause has been hijacked by certain people for their narrow ambitions.