Software Testing is Dead!!!

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 06 February 2012, 23:28 IST   |    62 Comments
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Bangalore: Is there a threat to the profession of software testing? Are developers becoming proactive enough to fix bugs found in Production than spend time discovering the bugs in a testing phase? Is there a new software out which is cheap & quick at fixing bugs making it nearly 'no job' for testers? Are companies on a thought process that a dedicated testing period is too expensive?
These questions pop out often when you hear someone say, "Software Testing is Dead." Alberto Savoia, Director of Engineering and Innovation Agitator from Google, is the latest one in the series of people who made this statement and during his opening keynote at Google Test Automation Conference, said "Yes, Software Testing is Dead."
Here is a video that can answer all your queries. Buffer it now!!!