Social Networking Sites for Engineers

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 01:23 IST   |    18 Comments
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Bangalore: In the past decade we have come across enormous number of social networking sites which have raised its services for people.  The growth of social networking in different forms is a remarkable phenomenon.

When we talk about the social networking sites, we usually talk about the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, which are used by everyone without any specific group of people. But there are many new fascinating and informative websites for the scientists and engineers who usually spend most of their time in laboratories. To visit these sites you don’t have to be an engineer or a scientist. It can be viewed by anyone who is interested in the topics related to engineering. Some of the Social networking sites are open only for engineers and computer scientists which helps them to design new ideas and plan new projects for the future.

Here are some of the famous social networking sites which is related only to engineering and research


CR4 is a website covers almost all the fields of engineering. It covers the Automotive, BioMech, BioMed, Chemical, Material Science, Civil Engineering, Communications and Electronics, Education, Electrical Engineering, New Technologies and Research, Software Programming and Sustainable Engineering. This site also provides latest information in the Engineering field.

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