9 Sneaky Apps for Suspicious Smartphone Users

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 22:35 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Mobile Applications plays a vital role in the present scenario and is emerging as a necessity throughout the world. There are excessive applications meant especially for users which have features of its kind. Most of the mobile apps are downloaded through mobiles, some are for free and others are charged. Companies are making their efforts to yield good results for both users as well as the company producing apps. As more number of companies is surviving on the income available through their apps, PC World in on rod its article has listed out some cool sneaky apps for sneaky people, let's check out some apps that are meant for people to maintain official and personal secrets. Red Handed Cam
Red Handed Cam
Red Handed Cam is an application by Simpkins Production that is compatible with all Apple devices running iOS 4.2. Using an iPhone's front confronting camera, Red Handed Cam catches detailed explanation if someone is using an iPhone other then owner. It costs $0.99 for the users. Red Handed has dual modes. In Stealth mode, a person doesn't know that his design was usually taken. In Gotcha mode, they get a shade alerting them they have been held Red Handed.

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