Six AIIMS-Like Institutions By End of 2013: Azad

Thursday, 02 February 2012, 17:10 IST
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New Delhi : Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad Wednesday said that the six All India Institute of Medical Sciences-like institutions across India will be ready by end of 2013.

"The establishment of 6 new AIIMS was stuck for the last few years. Their construction was taken up in right earnest last year and, with the increased pace of work, it is expected that the Institutes will be fully functional by the end of next year," he said.

The six institutions are being constructed at Patna, Bhubaneswar, Rishikesh, Jodhpur, Bhopal and Raipur.

Azad was speaking at the 17th convocation of national examination board of the health ministry, for doctors who cleared the exam.

Nearly 4,500 degrees were conferred on the occasion.

Source: IANS