Seven things to look at before you walk into a college

Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 00:09 IST
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Bangalore: The admission season has started and the career counselors are all around. It's the time when wise decisions matter a lot as one should not become prey to the fake institutions by their high decibel advertising. It's very difficult for the young students to identify the best colleges which help the students to widen their horizon of knowledge and personality development. Students will be deprived of many benefits and rights if they chose to choose a college which is not acknowledged and accredited by the respective boards. Here are some guidelines to help choose the right institution once you have chosen a stream that is of interest to you. 1. Distinguish between a degree and a vocational course
For a degree course, make sure that your institution has been created by an act of parliament or a state legislature or been granted the status of a Deemed-to-be-University. Vocational programmes in computers, mass media, advertising, sales training, fashion technology, banking, customer care, call centre management, aviation and hospitality do not lead to grant of degrees, but only a diploma certificate. Find out exactly what will be offered to you.
Source: IANS
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