Secrets of Successful Savers

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 29 September 2011, 00:30 IST
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Bangalore: The day we understood the value of money we have been trying to save enough for a good fortune. As kids we saved money in piggy banks, which later was replaced by bank accounts and different investment portals. Saving money is tough, and these are not the best of times. It gets tough especially when you're still paying off student loans or other types of debt. Serious savers view their savings accounts as 'one way' only, meaning they make more deposits than withdrawals. Below are the five secrets of successful savers. Maybe you can follow their lead. They Began Slowly
Secrets of Successful Savers
When you begin saving your money, start with a low amount. The initial period are going to be difficult. Don't force yourself into slashing 10 percent off your salary into your saving if you cant manage with the minimum saving.

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