Samsung All Set to Launch Google TV

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 23:10 IST
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Bangalore: After the introduction of Google TV-enabled Blu-ray Player, Samsung electronics is all set to launch its all new Google TV, revealed Yoon Boo-keun, President of Samsung's TV division. Yoon Boo-keun said that the company is working with Google on the rollout and would introduce it at an event next year, reports Reuters.

Google TV opens a single window solution for smart applications like TV, movies, live TV and also connect to the web in one space. Google TV, which comes built-in on Logitech International set-top boxes and in some of the Sony television models also offers online videos and websites on their TVs and specialized apps like video games.

It also plans to come up with next generation OLED displays where the screen looks more "real", the colors on the OLED look more popping, more realistic. Its smart looking design makes it different from all other TV products so far. President of Samsung's TV division expects the global flat panel TV market to increase by 10 percent next year even with the economic ambiguity.