SEBI to establish toll free helpline for investors

Monday, 25 April 2011, 15:39 IST   |    1 Comments
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New Delhi: To resolve investors' grievances and spread financial literacy, market regulator SEBI will set up a toll free helpline to respond to queries of investors and help track the status of their complaints. The investors, according a strategic action plan approved by the SEBI Board earlier, will be able to communicate in their own languages. The investor awareness and education plan also includes a web-based centralised investor grievances tracking system to help investors track their complaints. The proposals to establish a helpline for investors and have a grievances tracking system, among others, were approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in a Board meeting held in February. Besides, SEBI will launch a media campaign to demystify the securities market for investors, through films, and advertisements in newspapers, radio and television in various languages.
Source: PTI