'Rocket Woman' Propels India's Missile Mission

Monday, 21 November 2011, 22:42 IST   |    3 Comments
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New Delhi: Forget breaking the glass ceiling, Tessy Thomas has virtually blasted her way through it. The 48-year-old is the first-ever woman director of an Indian missile project and is set to place India in an elite club of nations like the U.S., Russia and China with the capability to produce their own long-range Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). She will achieve that when India tests its 5,000-km range nuclear capable Agni-V missile by February 2012. Thomas also wants to see Indian women taking on combat roles in the armed forces. "Why not? If they are performing other roles in the armed forces so efficiently, they can also perform combat roles," Thomas told IANS during a chat here.
"If women are willing to get into combat roles, I think, yes, they should be allowed to join. This, I am sure, will happen over time," said the 'Agni Putri' (Daughter of Fire), a sobriquet she had earned for her association with the Agni missiles since 1988. The scientist from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was in Delhi after her team had successfully tested the new-generation Agni-IV missile Nov 15 that broke new records for India by hitting a target 3,000 km away from the Balasore test range in the Orissa coast. This is the first time ever the country has tested a missile to hit target at that distance, thereby becoming the first Indian missile to cross the equator and hit a target in the southern hemisphere. For her achievement in missile technology, she is also fondly called 'the missile woman' by the Indian media. When asked how she landed in the male-dominated defence research and development world, she promptly replies: "Science has no gender. Defence R&D is a knowledge-based field." Armed with an engineering degree, Thomas joined the DRDO and was assigned to work on the Agni missile project by none other than former president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, who is also known as the 'Father of Indian Missile Programme'.
Source: IANS
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