Rahul Led Rapportive Acquired By LinkedIn

Rahul Led Rapportive Acquired By LinkedIn

Fremont: Rapportive, a startup offering free, enhanced contact information add-on for Gmail has been acquired by LinkedIn. The acquisition is confirmed by the startup in their blog post. Under the terms of the deal, Rapportive will become a part of LinkedIn.

“During our partnership with LinkedIn, we got to know them very well. We found a great overlap between our visions. Today, we are simply thrilled to announce that Rapportive is now a part of LinkedIn,” said Rahul Vohra, CEO, Rapportive, in his blog.

Rahul Vohra, Martin Kleppmann and Sam Stokes founded Rapportive in 2010 as they wanted to communicate personally with people. They pump over 20 million lookups through their system every month. The company shows the user everything about their contacts right inside the inbox. They can immediately see what people look like, where they are based, and what they do.

Prior to Rapportive, Rahul was the co-founder of mo.jo, and Chairman and President at Cambridge University Entrepreneurs. He holds a BA in Computer Science from University of Cambridge. The company has raised $1 million in seed funding from several investors including Gmail Creator and founder of FriendFeed in August 2010.