President's Address to the Nation

Thursday, 26 January 2012, 04:25 IST
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New Delhi: In an apparent reference to the civil society movement for a strong Lokpal, President Pratibha Patil today said one has to be cautious in bringing about reforms so that the tree of democratic institutions does not come down. "While bringing about reforms and improving institutions, we have to be cautious that while shaking the tree to remove the bad fruit, we do not bring down the tree itself", she said in her address to the nation on the eve of 63rd Republic Day. Ms Patil did not specifically mention the anti-corruption movement of Anna Hazare but the remarks could be seen as a reference to the movement for the anti-corruption ombudsman. She said India can take pride in its democratic record but as in any functional democracy, it faces pressures and challenges. Ms Patil said there would be short term pressures, but in this process the long term goals must not be lost sight of, and everyone must work together on core national agenda. Emphasising that those who believe in democracy must try to see the rationale in the others' point of view, she said concord and not discord is the way forward for a country as large as India. "All issues, therefore, must be resolved through dialogue and there can be no place for violence. Negativity and rejection cannot be the path for a vibrant country that is moving to seek its destiny," she said. Patil said Indian institutions may not be flawless but they have coped with many challenges. Indian Parliament, she noted, has enacted path-breaking laws and Government has put together schemes for the progress and welfare of the people.
Source: PTI