Political Parties and Their Stand on Jan Lokpal Bill

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 22 August 2011, 23:41 IST   |    55 Comments
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Bangalore: Indian media is celebrating the hullabaloos about Anna Hazare and his anti-corruption crusade, which has taken the nation by storm and the government is hunting in dark for a strategy to deal with Anna's fast. Leading newspapers carried advertisements from the Parliamentary Standing committee on Personnel, Public grievances, Law and Justice, which is assigned to suggest amendments to the Lokpal Bill, seeking ideas and suggestions on the bill. However, it's an interesting fact that the leading political parties, except the ruling ones, are in favor of Anna's right to protest, but are hesitating to make any serious attempts to make the Jan Lokpal Bill a reality. Ultimately, it seems that people have accepted the Jan Lokpal Bill but not their representative. Notably BJP and its allies, BSP, SP, Left Front, RJD and many others have come in support of Anna Hazare in his protest but not in support of his Jan Lok Pal Bill.
Anna Hazare, the mass leader, the moder Gandhi
Have we seen any mass leader such as Anna Hazare after Mahatma Gandhi or Jayaprakash Narayan who can pull the crowd in this vigorous fashion? Is it the sympathy for an old ex-army man or the concern for issue that is the growing corruption that attracts the masses like never before, organizing nationwide solidarity marches? As Arun Jaitley accepts, this is an undeniable fact that the street protests after the arrest of Anna Hazare were of a scale that political parties may find hard to match. Many feel it's the simple lifestyle and the apolitical character of Anna that earn him the widespread supporters. The uprising is the certainly the result of the fact that Anna has taken up an issue that every Indian is concerned about and that affects everyone.

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