Pesky Calls: Tele-Marketers Outdo Govt Says Sibal

Monday, 24 October 2011, 15:53 IST
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Smart tele-marketers have outsmarted the government machinery by resorting to Internet-based SMSes and call services on which regulators have no control. Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal expressed his helplessness in controlling such Internet-based pesky calls but claimed that such communication has reduced significantly. Replying to a question why users are still receiving such messages and calls from Internet, he said, "Well, you know that people are very smart now they are using Internet to send such messages. Now, we do not have any control on the Internet." "The Internet is a difficult thing to regulate because the server may be somewhere outside the country, you may put your calls or message through that server how will we deal with that server. We have no jurisdiction over it. We do not even know who the person is... at the moment I do not have any solution...," he said while addressing Economic Editors Conference here. On the issue of restricting SMSes to 100 per day per SIM, the Minister said he got representations from a few young persons from Mumbai and also from private employers and expressed concerns. "...I conveyed that to the Chairman of the Trai that some people have complained. I think we have to evolve... Trai will have to evolve this policy in the context of the experience of users. So I am sure Trai will look at it," he said. It is in Trai''s jurisdiction to look at it and come to (conclusion), Sibal said. He added that there are some glitches in the implementation of regulations and "I am sure Trai will look into this".
Source: PTI