Pak's Open Support to India's Most Wanted Terrorist

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 23:49 IST
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Pak's Open Support to India's Most Wanted Terrorist
Bangalore:Though Pakistan is steady with its denial about Dawood's presence on its soil, the reports received by Indian security and intelligence establishments confirm that the man's still active there. Officials of Pakistan's ISI and Army have reportedly attended Dawood's sons' wedding last month. The Walima (reception) of the don's son had invitees from Pak's intelligence establishments including the ISI and army, reports the Indian intelligence agencies. The reception of Moin Nawaz was held on 25th September at Dawood's Karachi mansion; the "White House." Officers from three units of the ISI, the Special Operations Group (SOG), Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB) and the External Intelligence Wing, were present at the walima, the reports reveals. Dawood's handler in ISI, Brig Rashid Husain Shahid, of JIB, was also at the wedding whose children's education at abroad is said to be funded by Dawood. Major Sadiq Khan and Col Ashwaq Ahmed represented the SOG. Col Ahmed monitors SOG's commando unit which is involved in several tactical operations in Baluchistan and NWFP. According to the report, Col Rehman Rashid and Lt Rashidullah Khan, officers of the External Intelligence Wing also embarked their presence. Lt Col Shuj-ul-Pasha and Lt Col Asidur Reham, both officers belonging to Pakistan Rangers also attended the event. No videography or photograpghy of the event was allowed by Dawood. A top Indian intelligence official said, "Our information is that some more officers from the Pak Army and security establishment were present at the reception but even our sources could not identify all of them as they were in civilian clothes." Close business associates of Dawood are also said to have attended the walima.