More Indians Are Overworked

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 17 November 2011, 00:42 IST   |    12 Comments
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Bangalore: In India, overworked employees are becoming a real issue in today's workplace. Overworking at the work place will always be created because of the increased workloads. When an employee overworks it usually do more harm than good for both to the individual and the business.

According to a survey conducted by global workplace solutions provider Regus, more than half of Indian employees, work more than eight hours in a day and over forty percent of the employees even carry their office job to their home to complete the work on time. The survey also mentioned that more Indians are overworked than their global peers.

Workers in small companies in India work more than the workers in the large business houses. According to the survey, the routine nine to five shifts have ended in India as more people stay back late in office.

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