Overpaid CEOs are More Likely to be Fired

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 28 September 2011, 00:06 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: CEOs are the face of a company and they are the highest-ranked officers in the company. Their responsibilities in a company are set by the board of directors of that particular company as per the company's legal structure.
From a recent study conducted by Adam J. Wowak from University of Notre Dame, Donald C. Hambrick of Pennsylvania State University and Andrew D. Henderson of Texas University from Austin, shows the relationship between CEO pay and their performance over a decade. They found that, CEOS who are overpaid in their 1st year become even more overpaid when they stay on for a longer time. From these findings, they were of the opinion that the rich gets even richer and the poor gets poorer relatively.

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