One Out of Five mobile Apps Found "Too Difficult to Use"

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 03:15 IST   |    1 Comments
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App difficult

Bangalore: Companies face many adversities in Mobile App development projects including huge budget, overrunning of deadlines, patent problems  and finally, when it is done, one out of every five apps are found “too difficult to run”, by the business who commission the project.  

The survey conducted by research firm Vanson Bourne on behalf of Antenna Software also found that 45 percent of the respondents, including IT business leaders in U.S. and U.K., were not too happy with the speed at which projects land in the market and 42 percent was not satisfied with the final costs. 21 percent found the application “too difficult to use,” after all the efforts.

The survey revealed that despite all these, one third of total companies are set to reveal four or more mobile projects within a time period of 12 to 18 months.

The investment in the field is going to double within the next 18 months as an average business plans to invest $ 932,000 in Mobile app compared to the total investment till now which is around $425,000.

A recent research conducted by TechNet had found that the entire “App economy” is creating a vast number of jobs.