Now, Check Who Has 'Unfriended' You on Facebook

Monday, 26 September 2011, 23:54 IST
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London: Social network Facebook has launched a new feature that will allow users to know who does not like them and has thus removed them from their friend list. Using the website's new "Timeline" feature, users will be able to see all their entire Facebook history - including their changing friends lists, the Daily Mail reported. Founder Mark Zuckerberg introduced the feature along with new entertainment and media company partnerships earlier this week in San Francisco, at the annual "f8" conference attended by 2,000 entrepreneurs, developers and journalists. The timeline will eventually replace users' profile pages. It will be filled with the most important photos and text that they have shared on Facebook over the years. Till now, users have not been able to check who has removed them. Facebook has around 800 million users. Meghan Peters, community manager at news blog Mashable, said: "I think people will definitely be upset by it. I mean, it always hurts to know that someone isn't your friend anymore."
Source: IANS