No Indian University In The Top 200 Global List

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 23:37 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: A survey conducted by the Times Higher Education magazine reveals that no Indian university could make it to its annual list of world's top 200 universities. The institutes that dominated the list include Harvard, Stanford and Oxford.
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India's most prestigious institutes like IITs and IIMs failed to make it to the top 200 list of universities. The only Indian institute that appears on the list is IIT Bombay, though not in the top 200. The study that reviewed 400 universities globally placed IIT Bombay into general 301-350 category. The survey gave no individual rankings after the 200 mark for the universities. The universities were arranged in the groups of 200-250, 250-300 etc.

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