NIFT To Collaborate With U.S. Fashion Technology Institute

Thursday, 20 October 2011, 01:01 IST
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New Delhi: The government-run National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) said it has signed an agreement with New York-based Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) to run dual-degree programmes. Now the "selected meritorious" students from NIFT would avail the unique opportunity to obtain a joint degree awarded both by NIFT and FIT. "The association of two premier fashion institutes would reap benefits which would be multifold in nature," an official statement said. However, the institute did not give the timeline regarding the implementation of the agreement. "This agreement will be implemented at the earliest for the benefit of NIFT students." "It will usher in new paradigmatic changes in the vision and activities of NIFT," Commerce, Industry and Textiles Minister Anand Sharma said in a statement. In fact, NIFT was established in 1986 in collaboration with the FIT with assistance from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The New Delhi-based institute runs under the textiles ministry. A delegation from NIFT recently visited the FIT to explore the possible areas of collaboration. According to the statement, the two institutes have agreed to collaborate in the areas of fashion design, textile design and fashion communication.
Source: IANS