Myths about Social Networking for Business

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Fremont: A lot of buzz is going around about the importance of social media in the business fraternity. However, is the entire buzz true? No, there are several myths surrounding this fraternity. None of us can afford to stand and watch the consequence being unfolded, for there is lot of money to be earned. So, we bring to you the myths about social networking for business. Everybody Is On Social Media
Myths about Social Networking for Business
Is this true? If you believe your expert, then yes. They will show you pretty statistics that more than 80 percent of people heard about your product and company through social media, so that you will hire them. The fact is that social media still is out of the agenda of many people, among whom may be your target customers. What can be done is to harness the power of web and take initiatives to gain more presence on search engine optimization. This will show you better results as compared to social media.

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