Mystery of Dwarka, The Lost City of Krishna

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 23:36 IST   |    16 Comments
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Bangalore: Once upon a time, in the midst of sea lay a mystical kingdom. The city was home to 900 palaces, all made of gold. This golden city was supposed to have arisen out of the sea on the command of a person who is very much the heart of Hinduism. The story about the city is as much magical as the story of the man who built it. Legends surrounding this mysterious city fascinated poets and scholars for centuries. Poets have described the radiance cast by the island city as spreading over miles in the sea. The personality ruling over this kingdom was none other than Lord Krishna, the charismatic God ruling over the hearts of millions of devotees. Dwarka as the golden city was called, had many 'Dwaras' or 'Gateways' that were connected to the mainstream land via bridges.

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