Most overrated Businesses

By siliconindia   |    1 Comments
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Fremont: So you want to startup a business entity and create a mark for yourself? You have a lot of ideas, few of which might be to improve upon the existing businesses. But before you try to sell old wine in a new bottle, have you ever given a thought what if the business that you plan to set up is an over-milked cow? Here are few of the businesses, which have become overrated. Traffic-driven websites
Most overrated Businesses
Everyday there are scores of cites being added to the social networking and blog space, each trying like crazy to the maximum traffic possible, which relates to the advertising revenue. These sites have links, meta-links, and inter-links which lead to multiple other sites, which again try to get revenues ringing with more traffic to their sites. For a user, internet has become a mess, with a whole lot of traffic-driven website dumped on them. Companies just try hard to advertise themselves on the internet, that people find even the search engines a pain. So if you are trying to venture into traffic-driven websites, think twice. Who knows, you end up on the "Reasons why not to use the internet" list.

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