Most Powerful Indians in 2012

Bangalore: Power is the capability to influence people and events. The Indian Express listed the most powerful Indians of 2012 who made a difference and brought about a change, which shows power is more erratic than ever before.

The top 20 powerful people of the year are:

1. Rahul Gandhi, 41, Congress General Secretary:

Rahul ranks first on this list as he has emerged as the Congress party's most important leader, the one they are counting on for a healthy showing in the Assembly elections in states, including Uttar Pradesh. His rise has been driven by mother Sonia Gandhi's illness which forced her to scale down political activities. He set the tone for the bitter run-up to polls in UP when he angered the Mayawati government by taking up the cause of farmers seeking a bigger compensation for land acquired in the villages of Bhatta and Parsaul.

2. Sonia Gandhi, 65, Congress President:

Sonia Gandhi ranks second on this list. With problems mounting for the Congress-led government at the Centre and the Prime Minister under constant attack, Sonya has been countering the offensive. She took on Team Anna on the corruption issue when most party men were wondering what to say in public. Announcing she would fight for a Lokpal, she dismissed what she called the “deliberate and malicious misinformation” that her party was not serious about tackling corruption.