Most Expensive Dog Breeds

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 24 December 2011, 01:23 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore:  It is always said that dogs are the most loyal companion of an individual, as they can eliminate your loneliness and can also be your guard. However, a high breed dog can add up to your status symbol as well. We generally think that the most prominent dog breeds are the most expensive ones, but it is not so. The most popular and the most expensive dog breeds vary from country to country. If you are planning to purchase a pet dog soon, do check out the listed below expensive dog breeds.

1.German Shepherd: First in our list comes the German Shepherd. As the name suggest, the German Shepherd originated from Germany.  This dog can be both fierce and friendly. Often referred as the working dog, the German Shepherd is generally used by the police or the military forces around the world. A trained German Shepherd has a price tag of 26,00,000, very close to a Land Rover price. Whereas for a purebred, registered dog you have to drain 52,000 to 12,00,000.

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