Most Controversial Cricket Autobiographies

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 17 September 2011, 00:04 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: ,Cricket popularly known as "Gentlemen's Game" is not devoid of its justifiable share of controversies. Autobiographies of some legendary cricketers arouse untold controversies which staggered and dazed people across the globe. Listed below are a few autobiographies of famous cricketers that stormed the world with controversies. Herschelle Gibbs
South African cricketer Herschelle Gibbs penned his book "To The Point". His book talks about drink, drugs sexual orgies and match fixing during his years with the South African team. After reading his book some people still love him and are happy that he has uncovered the dark side of cricket while others have lost total respect and are absolute disgusted. The book not only details his personal experiences and achievements, along with his failures, but it also places a limelight on the demeanor and behaviour of a number of his teammates who he has played with over the years

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