Mobile advertisement industry to grow 300 percent

Monday, 25 April 2011, 15:33 IST
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Mumbai: With over 700-million people using mobile phones in India, the mobile advertising industry is expected to grow by around 300 per cent to reach a turnover of Rs 200 crore over the next 2-3 years, industry experts said. Mobile advertising is a form of advertising where marketers target mobile-users for marketing of their products and services. "The number of mobile-users is rising significantly with 10-15-million new additions every month. Also, since the cost of interaction and cost of transaction is much lower in this medium as compared to TV, print or radio, marketers are using mobiles to promote their services and products. Therefore, we expect the industry to grow to Rs 200 crore in the next 2-3-years," leading mobile VAS company Mobile2Win Head Mobile Marketing, Amit Lall, told PTI here.
Source: PTI