Mechanical engineering students invent Multiple Dosa Machine

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 30 July 2011, 20:12 IST   |    2 Comments
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Mangalore, June 20: The final year students of the mechanical engineering department of Shrinivas Institute of Technology in Valachil have invented a machine that can turn out 350 dosas per hour. Called Multiple Dosa Machine (MDM), this machine was created by Pawan Raj, Joel DSouza, Vandana Lobo, Joel DSouza, and Jason Martis under the guidance of Prof. Neelakantha V. Londhe and Rohit Jayaraja. The machine comprises a disc that rotates slowly with the help of an electric motor and a gear mechanism. The batter is made to fall over the disc, which has a number of pans attached to it, with the help of a pneumatic value. An independent gas burner will be used to heat the disc. The inventors say that the MDM will be useful to hostels, restaurants, and hotels for quick preparation of dosas in large batches. The students say that their project has been financed by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology and that Dr. Dilip Kumar, the head of the department, and Dr. Shrinivas Mayya D., the principal, administrated the project. Raghavendra Rao, the president of the college administration, and Vice President A. Shrinivas Rao also expressed their appreciation of this project. Source: