Marriage at stake for Indian men

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 25 June 2011, 00:07 IST   |    14 Comments
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Bangalore: Our society is evil minded, orthodox and still backward. Despite the modern thoughts of equality of men and women has come in, the sex distinction and discrimination is alarming high in India. The blind preference for the boy child has created a situation where the country's sex ratio has dropped down to 914 females against 1,000 males - the lowest since independence. As quoted in the Hindu, Sushma Swaraj had earlier warned the Indian men by saying "Kuware reh jaoge (you will remain unmarried)" if girl-foetuses are continued to be destroyed in the womb. Therefore, a number of startling questions arise if the society still blindly hates the girl child, the most frightening of all - What will happen to the generation next? Selective abortion has resulted the a grave situation of around 35-40 million girls missing from the Indian population. Therefore, the drop in the female sex ratio will increase the demand of brides which will result the introduction of bride price in the Indian society. As many of us know that every business transaction has financial terms and conditions, therefore marriage is no exception. Bride price means the cost or the amount that is paid in terms of money, property or any medium of exchange by the grooms parents or the groom to the brides parents upon the marriage of their daughter to the groom is known as brides price. This system will gear up in a reverse manner to the prevailing dowery system and might lead to a situation where the grooms parents will have to pay a price or amount for the bride to get their son married. This kind of scenario is very likely to take place in Indian society. The custom of bride price is already there in the Asian countries such as Thailand, China, and Kazakh etc. It's also prevalent in many regions of Africa and among the native Amazonian people such as the Urarina of Peru. Our gen-next boys may have to face the the situation of bride price regarding matrimonial alliance. There will be an increase in demand of women in the society. So one should be aware of the fact that destroying female fetuses our next male generation may have to pay the harsh price or may have to remain bachelor till death. There can also be a scenario when one woman will be married by two men.