Entrepreneurial lessons from Rocket Singh

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Bangalore: What can movies teach us, that too if it has an offbeat storyline, which features an employee who found a crazy way to turn the world upside down. Rocket Singh-Salesman of the Year is one such offbeat movie that many foreign b-school undertakes as a case study in their management course. A movie about a recent graduate, Harpreet Singh Bedi, who does not have any good academic grades, but have an exciting and adventurous dream for his career, starts a computer sales company right from the scratch. The journey of Bedi provides a lot of lessons for new entrepreneurs. Hiring right people
Hiring the right kind of people, not the best one always, adds strength to an organization. As a startup, the right chunk of people who understands your value and your ethics will take the company to a greater height. Don't try to hire people who have similar traits, rather hire those who can fill the gap n shortcomings of the entire organization.

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