Look at the World of Glass and Touchscreen!

Bangalore: Corning has released a video titled “A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked” which takes us on a tour to have a look at what could be the future of glass touch-screen interfaces. This video is a continuation of Corning’s last year’s video “A Day Made of Glass” which received more than 17 million views on YouTube, this video explains company’s vision in the role of specialty glasses and advanced touch-screen.



Corning's Gorilla Glass has made its significance felt in the gadget world in a very short span of time. Gorilla Glass is a super-strong, lightweight glass which can withstand drops and ill-treatment, therefore these glasses are used in most of the latest touch screen-devices and are expected to come in many future products.

The new video launched by the company highlights glass tablets, multitouch-enabled desks, solar panels, augmented reality, electronic medical records and anti-microbial medical equipment. The whole video portrays a world made of interactive glass surfaces which makes you stay connected through flawless deliverance of real-time information.

Corning Chairman and CEO Wendell Weeks says, Corning’s vision for the future includes a world in which myriad ordinary surfaces transform “from one-dimensional utility into sophisticated electronic devices.”

Corning's advancements in sleek, flexible, touch-sensitive, and damage-resistant glass materials are the solution for not just the near future, but today. The company is engaged in research and partnership opportunities that will help make the vision in both videos a reality, as stated in company’s press release.

All these future technology and the contribution of glass to make them possible seems quite amazing, only time will tell which of these would take a real form and when it comes to life there are more chances that they will be having an entire new look. But to confirm anything we have to wait at least for 20 to 30 years.