Lip Locking of the World Leaders Jolts the World

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 17 November 2011, 23:16 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: Redefining the meaning of creative freedom and pushing the boundaries of advertisement and communication, the Italian clothing company Benetton jolts the world with the launch of "unhate" ad campaign in Paris. The ad features an objectionable lip locking image of U.S, President Barack Obama and China's supreme leader Hu Jintao, and many other world leaders. The jaw dropping picture came into limelight as it was released all over the world as a part of Benetton's "Unhate" campaign launched in Paris. The disgusting image is one of a series of six images showing world leaders, including Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Obama, France's Nicholas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel, and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas, in a mouth-to-mouth kiss. One of the portray featuring the Pope in a lip-lock with Ahmed al-Tayeb, Sheikh of the Al-Azzhar mosque, was seen in the company's website throughout the day but was later removed after Vatican's strong protest. A Benetton spokesperson later confirmed the Associated Press that the Pope ad is no longer a part of the campaign.

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