Lessons Auto Makers can Learn from Steve Jobs

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 21:30 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: The famous tag line which says "Think Different" is apt for the legacy of Steve Jobs. Jobs innovative efforts and success stories are the outcome of thinking differently, this leaves a great space for learning some important lessons for the auto makers who too can revolutionaries the world, given the potential resources available to them. Forbes, in one of its article enlightened five great lessons that the auto industry can inherit. Let's get a sneak peek into the lessons in details. 1. Give buyers before even they know that they want it
lessons from Steve Jobs
Before iPod, iPad entered the market consumers had never realized that they need something like iPod to access to easy music or an iPad to easy connectivity. Apple made its consumers the importance of the era of technology sophistication. Auto makers too should conceive of ideas that the world is really unawares of its necessity.

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