Know Your Fundamental Rights

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 26 January 2012, 02:59 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore:  The fundamental rights are the agreement of rights that promises civil liberties so that Indians can lead their lives harmoniously and in peace. Every Indians have the right to enjoy these basic human freedoms. But the question arises here is that are we actually enjoying the fundamental rights that are guaranteed to us by Indian Constitution? Well let us explore the cases where the fundamental rights are violated and are deprived to the citizens of our country.

1. Right to Equality: Let us start with the first right to equality as the NCAER-CMCR report says that the rich class in India invest around 40 percent of their total expenditure on food, which is considered to be the least compared to the other classes. On the other hand, the middle class squander 42.5 percent, aspirers spend 47.5 percent and deprived class bestows around 57.3 percent on food. When compared and contrasted with the middle income group, the higher class spends around 4.7 percent of expenditure on household. The study says that the educational qualifications have a direct impact on the growth of income. The education is quite inter- related with the income, as 8.8 percent of the payment is made on education. The middle class end up spending around 9.2 percent on education. People in the aspiring class spend around 8.1 percent. The deprived class manages to spend only 5.7 percent. This demonstrates the inequality of income distribution in the country.



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