Kindle Ice Might be the Kindle Fire Successor

Kindle Ice Might be the Kindle Fire Successor
Bangalore: Amazon is ready to play its second innings with Kindle Ice Android tablet. Rumors are in the air regarding the release of the tablet in first quarter of 2012. Less information is rolled about this tablet at present, but it looks prepared to take on Apple's iPad 2. It features an 8.9-inch screen and Google's Android OS. The device is likely to be called Kindle Ice based on the company's recent acquisition of, and similar domain names. Fusible, a tech blog reports that several domain names were shoveled by Amazon before it announced the Kindle Fire tablet. As soon as the device was publicly known, Jeffrey Casserino of Syracuse, New York began registering domain names associated to Kindle including those using the word "ice." The second Android tablet named Kindle Ice will definitely fit the naming scheme of Amazon, if they go ahead with it. Amazon is making such hard efforts to gather all the domain names as Kindle Fire is not Amazon's own designed tablet. It is based on RIM Playbook design but the upcoming tablet is Amazon's own.