Is Your Manager Flexible?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 23:48 IST   |    10 Comments
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Bangalore: In recent years, the work place structures have changed and management techniques have become more flexible. Now managers are working to be more adaptive to the ideas and concerns of their workforce. Flexibility is one of the major attributes of a good manager. Flexible managers understand each employee's situations, strengths, and skills on an individual basis.
For every manager it's very important to concern about their subordinates and their problems. It the staff has any problem; it has a direct effect on the company's productivity. An employee, who is worried about different issues, is unlikely to give full attention to the task at hand. Flexible management is a cost-effective way of dealing with these issues. Flexible managers can implement innovative working methods which improve productivity and customer service, save money and enable employees to balance their work and personal lives.

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