Is Your Job Making You Sick?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 23:57 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Do you spend sleepless nights due to job stress that makes you physically sick? If so, check out this article.
sick of job
A survey conducted by the researchers at the Transportation Security Administration and two universities suggest that employees who feel unfairly treated on the job are more at risk of developing a stack of mental and physical ailments. An individual is likely to feel more stressed or strained, and suffer from chronic physical or mental ailments in his job, if he feels the employer is unfairly delivering pay raises or promotions among the employees, and is also declining to keep commitments made to employees about issues such as future job opportunities etc. The researchers of the survey of 249 scholarly studies have revealed that anger, hostility, cynicism, depression and anxiety are amid the mental health problems, while the physical health problems include high cholesterol or heart attacks and high body mass index levels or hypertension.

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