Is Your Boss Stupid?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 30 December 2011, 02:31 IST   |    9 Comments
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Bangalore: We cannot fix the stupid ones, but it is better to know what makes some one stupid especially in your work place. Are you struggling to move on with your job? Time to re-think, what make you feel down. Your stupid boss can harm your peace at work place. Check whether he is one of those classically termed ‘stupid bosses’ with whom you can never grow up in your career. One of the famous quotes says, ‘Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain’.

While stupidity can be defined as the lack of intelligence, understanding, reasoning, wit, or sense, do you think how come he is a boss today? Well, that‘s not your real business. Analyzing the stupid characters of your boss will make you feel relaxed as it is not your mistake. Don’t mind his arrogance if he is such a stupid.  See the worst characters which make your boss stupid and try to spot how you behave with your subordinates.


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