Is Your Boss A Gossip Monger?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 22:13 IST   |    17 Comments
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Bangalore: When it comes to workplace, always employees are termed as the gossip mongers, especially the female employees. But how many of you agree that even our bosses do gossip? Having a boss who feeds on gossips and enjoys the fact that he knows everything that you speak about is not a healthy environment. It frustrates you, hampers your work and ultimately your performance goes for a toss. How do bosses gossip and how to deal with them is what you are looking for
Spies on you Many such gossip monger bosses keep spying on his employee and always want to know what's going on in an employee's life. So keep your personal life private. Do not divulge details of your personal life to your boss or other co-workers as these only fuels up problems in office.

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