Is College A Big Waste Of Time?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 17 October 2011, 22:59 IST
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Bangalore: Getting a college degree is a very important thing in these days and it says that those who go to college make more money and have more opportunities than those who don't. Earning a college degree, taking an entry-level job, and working for the promotion ladder has always been considered as the safest path to success, says Kimberly Palmer, in Business Insider. But despite the fact that research repeatedly shows that people with college degrees earn more and face lower unemployment rates compared to people without college degrees, more people are questioning the value of the degree, reports U.S. News.
There are many businessmen, philanthropist, authors, popular bloggers and academics are increasingly urging about a 'more do-it-yourself' approach and more young people appear to be following their controversial advice.

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