Is Being Too Perfect is hampering Your Career?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 23:59 IST
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Bangalore: Are you a perfectionist? Have you ever thought that your perfectionism can even hurt your performance? Though it's hard to believe but extreme perfectionism can be obstacle to success. Sometimes the quest for perfection can be actually a waste of your time and energy, and it limits your potential. There are many constructive sides of perfectionism, but at the same time there can be many destructive sides too. Author Jeff Szymanski, a clinical instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School, distinguishes between the constructive and destructive sides of perfectionism. According to him Extreme perfectionism can give a feeling of exhaustion, frustration and lack of satisfaction. Author Curt Rosengren has explained how perfectionism can hurt your career. Here are some reason reasons why you should strive for less than perfection, Perfectionists are far from perfect
Perfectionists are far from perfect
Many people possess a desire to be the best and the perfect one. But in this way the perfectionist stay unhappy because they feel that they can always do better than their best. As a result they are continually looking for the things that they have done wrong so that they can make them right. Moreover perfectionists have a tendency to focus on the wrong priorities.

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