Is Anna Hazare Above Parliament?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 23:10 IST   |    73 Comments
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Bangalore: Who is Supreme, People or Parliament? Bureaucrat turned RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal of Anna team kicked up a controversy recently, when he stated to a private news channel that "Every citizen including Anna is above Parliament. As a citizen Anna has every right to demand that this particular law should be passed and he is all free to protest." But when he said "Citizens are above Parliament!", it created a storm of debate. The UPA government responded with Finance Minister saying, "The way the civil society movement is headed, it seems that leaders have become legislators. Anna Hazare is challenging the constitutional authority of Parliament, which is not acceptable. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also made his stand clear by saying that Anna's proposal of "citizens' power to reject" will have to go through a Parliamentary consensus. So has Kejriwal stated an obvious fact or has he overstated a fact? His views have so far brought mixed reactions.

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