Indians Rank Second in Personal Finance Confidence

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 00:48 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Indian consumers are said to be more confident about the betterment of their personal finance over the upcoming period, states the Emerging Consumer Survey 2011, conducted by the Credit Suisse Research Institutes. This study was performed among 14,000 adults of eight emerging countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Indonesia and reveals that these emerging countries are more confident about their finances.

This study is broadly done on middle-class household trends of consuming, likely from eating lifestyle and opting for a brand sportswear to the investing habits on big assets such as auto cars or property. India ranks second after Brazil, where 63 percent respondents are confident, while 43 percent of Indians say they are confident about their financial stability. The weakest among all were Egypt and Russia.

Among 2,500 Indians from 10 different geographic locations, of which 70 percent adults were from urban and 30 percent from rural, there’s a huge inequality of income is found. The number of high-income households in India that is the income is more than $2,000 per month is more than twice than that of Russia despite the fact that India’s GDP per capita is 80 percent lower than Russia.



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